OBJECTIVE: Provide training for law enforcement, military, security personnel, and responsible citizens. EXPERIENCE: Don Anderson Jr: Don was a police officer in Los Angeles for 16 years and 10 years in Metropolitan Division with 4 years in C-Platoon and 6 years in the Mounted Unit where Don was a trainer, instructor, horse buyer, and horse evaluator. METRO ASSIGNMENTS: Planning and execution of security for foreign and domestic heads of state such as: President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Presidential Candidate Senator John Kerry, United States Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Governor Arnold Swarzenegger, The President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf, The Dahlia Lama, Assigned counter assault for the President of South Korea.
Planning and execution of high profile witness protection.
Developed plans and carried out service of high risk narcotic and homicide search warrants.
Training of police officers in immediate Action Rapid Deployment, Mobile Field Force/Crowd Control Tactics and Officer Survival Tactics.
Other Assignments: Divisional Gang units, Special Problem Unit and Under Cover Career Criminal Apprehension Unit. Current successful corporate fugitive recovery agent and licensed private investigator. Nationally Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor and a Certified Simunitions Range Master/Scenario Instructor.
EXPERTISE: Firearms Instructor, Mounted Police Crowd Control/Management, Mounted Police Crime Suppression, Mounted Police Search and Rescue, Mounted Police Back Country Patrol, Equine Medicine in the Field, Basic to Advanced Horsemanship, Sensory Training and Horse Selection/Evaluation. Don has trained Metropolitan Division Mounted Unit Officers, Supervisors and Command Staff in Los Angeles, LASD Mounted Unit, LASD Mounted Possee, LA County Park Rangers and private citizens.